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2022 Tiger year animal sign overview with their 12 yearly stars

2022, year of the Tiger, 12 Chinese zodiac signs overview and their yearly stars

One simple method to look into the fortunes of the 12 animal signs is by their yearly stars. Just like Flying Star Feng Shui, these 12 stars rotate to a new sign every year in a certain order. We will show you the names and meanings of the 12 stars, and their locations on the 12 Chinese zodiac signs in 2022, the year of the tiger.

Since we are only talking about one star for each animal sign, this method can be over-simplified. Like any fortune-telling method, your action and attitude can make a difference in the outcome.

Out of the 12 stars, only 4 are considered auspicious stars. Most stars are actually related to some degrees of illness, obstacle, legal issues, or accidents. One reason is that this chart is widely used at local southeast Asian temples, and they can perform different ceremonies to bring blessings and reduce negativity.

If you are not a religious Taoist or have no access to the service from a temple, we just use the chart as a reference. Pay attention to the tendencies of the stars during 2022. It helps us stay from trouble and take advantage of good luck.

Watch our video about the 12 animals signs and their yearly stars in 2022, the year of the Tiger

The Tai Sui and Sui Po stars in 2022

The Tai Sui and Sui Po are the 2 commonly known stars out of the 12 stars. Tai Sui is also called the Grand Duke Jupiter. It is the governing star of the year, and it sits on the animal sign of the year. In 2022, the year of the tiger, Tai Sui is in the location of Tiger, Northeast 3 on the 24 mountain chart. If you divide the Northeast into 3 sections, it is the part closer to the East. See the chart below.

Sui Po or the year breaker is always opposite to the Tai Sui. In 2022, it is located in Southwest 3 (Southwest closer to the West) or the sign of the Monkey. So Both Monkey and Tiger are affected by the power of Tai Sui this year.

2022 Chinese zodiac signs and their 12 yearly stars

Below is the chart for the 12 animal signs and their yearly stars in 2022, the year of the tiger.

The 4 lucky stars are Tai Yang, Tai Yin, Long De, and Fu De.

Based on this chart, the 4 lucky animal signs are Rabbit, Snake, Rooster, and Pig in 2022.

The 12 animal signs and their stars in 2022, the year of the Tiger

1. Rat:

Tian Gou or the Heavenly dog star

2. Ox:

Bing Fu or the Illness star

3. Tiger:

Tai Sui or the Grand Duke Jupiter

4. Rabbit:

Tai Yan or the Sun

5. Dragon:

Sang Men or the Funeral Gate star

6. Snake:

Tai Yin or the Moon

7. Horse:

Wu Gui or the Five Ghosts

8. Goat:

Si Fu or Death note star

9. Monkey:

Sui Po or the Year Breaker

10. Rooster:

Long De or Dragon Virtue star

11. Dog:

Bai Hu or White Tiger star

12. Pig:

Fu De or Fortune Virtue star

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