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April 2022 Flying Star Monthly Feng Shui Analysis

April 2022 Flying Star Monthly Feng Shui Analysis

The Feng Shui month of April starts from April 5th, Qing Ming (clear and bright), until May 5th, Li Xia (start of Summer).

April 20 is the “Gu Yu” or “Grain Rain” in the 24 solar terms, indicating a typical time to see the sprouting of crops.

Feng Shui charts for April 2022

Here is the monthly Flying Star chart of April 2022. The 2 and 5 stars are in the West and North, indicating a tendency for illness or obstacles in these directions.

Stars 3 and 7 show a tendency for conflict, fighting, robbery, or legal issues. It is in the East and Northeast in April.

Here is the Flying Star chart combining the monthly, yearly, and the period 8 charts.

The best direction in April 2022 is the Northwest and the second-best sector is the South.

There is a lot of fighting and conflicting energy in the East, Northeast, and Southeast this month.

Area by area Feng Shui analysis for April 2022

Center: star 9 purple

West: star 2 black

Northwest: star 1 white

North: star 5 yellow

Northwest: star 3 jade

East: star 7 red

Southeast: 8 white

South: 4 green

Southwest: 6 white

Summary of the 5-element enhancers in each sector

5-element enhancers are suggested in each sector to balance the energy or reduce negative stars. You can use actual materials, such as soil for the earth element, or use their representing colors. It could be a carpet, pillow, paint, furniture, and so on.

The colors for the five elements

Wood - green

Fire - red, orange, purple

Earth - yellow, brown

Metal - white, silver, gold

Water - black, blue

Watch our video for April 2022 Flying Star Feng Shui

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