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February 2022 Flying Star Feng Shui Analysis

February 2022 Flying Star Feng Shui Analysis

February first is the lunar new year and February 4th is the “Li Chun” or Start of the Spring based on the 24 solar terms. This month, we start the year of the Tiger officially, and we start to use the yearly Flying Star chart for the 2022 year of the Tiger.

The Feng Shui month of February starts from February 4th to March 5th, 2022. The monthly Flying Star chart of February is shown below.

The Flying Star combination chart for February 2022, the year of the Tiger

Here is the Feng Shui chart combining the monthly, yearly, and Period 8 charts.

The summary chart for February 2022

The best areas include the South and Southeast in February 2022. The areas with health concerns include the Center, Southwest, and Northeast.

If your bedroom or main entrance is in one of the directions above, you are affected easily by the energy of this month.

The three sets of star combinations in February 2022

There are 3 sets of star combinations in this Feng Shui chart in February 2022. They are

1: 2 ,5, 8,

2: 3, 6, 9, and

3: 1, 4, 7.

This is a special chart meaning the energy of different locations and time periods can be connected and transformed. It is a lucky chart even when some stars are not so lucky. The energy of the stars can be transformed and changed easily. So this month is a good time to change directions and open up possibilities. Stay open-minded and flexible.

The first group: Star 2, 5, and 8.

This star combination includes the center, Southwest, and Northeast. Pay attention to health issues. Star 2 and 5 can bring illness, accidents, and obstacles.

The second group: Star 3, 6, 9.

This is a very lucky combination, especially for the South, with 9 as the yearly star and 6 as the monthly star. Both 6 white and 9 purple stars are very auspicious in Flying Star Feng Shui.

Spend more time in the South or set up important space here in February 2022.

Group 3: Star 1, 4, 7.

Stars 1 and 4 are a classic combination of intelligence and wisdom. It can also bring promotion, fame, and relationship luck.

Southeast is one of the best directions in February 2022. This is a great place for a bedroom, study room, or entrance.

February 2022 Feng Shui chart and five-element suggestions

Add metal feng shui cure in the Center, Southwest, and Northeast to reduce the stars 2 and 5.

Add water elements (colors of blue or black, or actual water) in the South, East, and Northwest to balance the energy.

Watch the video below about February 2022 Feng Shui analysis

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