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Finding Feng Shui Wen Chang direction for intelligence and exam luck - 2 ways

Finding Feng Shui Wen Chang direction for intelligence and exam luck - 2 ways

In Feng Shui, there are 2 basic ways to find your “Wen Chang” location for increasing your brain IQ, exam luck, and wisdom. It is helpful for students, scholars, as well as designers, marketers, or business owners who need a clear mind to come up with the best ideas.

“Wen Chang” is the god or the star that is in charge of the intelligence and wisdom. To find the Wen Chang location in your house, there are 2 basic methods. See the 2 videos below. One is by the house sitting and facing direction, and the second method is calculated from one’s Chinese birth year. The video shows the charts of the corresponding western years. Just remember the Chinese new year in Feng Shui calculation starts on the February 4th of the western calendar. It is the beginning of the spring (Li Chun) in the Chinese calendar. That means, if your birthday is before February 4th, your Chinese birth year belongs to the previous year.

Activating your Wen Chang luck

After finding your Wen Chang direction, you can set up your office or study room here. Staying in this place longer to increase the Qi movement of this sector. Decorate with inspiring art or photos of mentor or hero of your career.

See the 2 videos for 2 ways of finding your Wen Chang direction

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