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May 2022 Flying Star Feng Shui Analysis

May 2022 Flying Star Feng Shui Chart Analysis

It is time to look at the monthly Flying Star feng shui chart for May 2022, and find the best and the worst directions this month. The video link is at the end of this blog if you prefer to watch the analysis on our YouTube channel.

In the month of May, the monthly flying stars are in the same sectors as the Period 8 stars. So these stars will be even more powerful during this month. If you set up your Feng Shui based on a yearly chart, there is no need to change. It is basically the same as the 2022 yearly Flying Star feng shui chart.

The Feng Shui month of May 2022 and the 24 solar terms

The month of May 2022 starts from May 5th to June 5th based on the 24 solar terms. The weather is getting warmer and farmers are starting to see speedy growth of crops and grains.

The Flying Star Feng Shui chart for May 2022

Below is the monthly chart for May 2022. It is the same as the Period 8 chart. Star 8 is in the center. Number 8 is a very lucky star in Feng Shui period 8 now. So overall, this is a good month.

The 3 White stars (6, 8, and 1) are in the East, Center, and West. These are lucky directions in general. The stars 2 and 5 are in the Northeast and Southwest. Watch for health issues if your bedroom or entrance is in this direction.

The combination and summary chart of the monthly, yearly, and period 8 star.

The best direction this month is Northwest, and the problem direction is Southwest.

The Southeast, South, and East present conflicting and fighting energy this month.

The summary chart with the 5-element suggestions to balance the energy of each direction.

The area by area analysis for May 2022










Watch the video for May 2022 Feng Shui analysis

The link to our pick of Feng Shui lucky items: https://www.amazon.com/shop/picturehealer

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