Personalized Feng Shui online consultation and floor plan analysis

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Personalized Feng Shui online consultation and floor plan analysis


In this Feng Shui online consultation service, you send us the information (see below) and we will create a personalized Feng Shui report, including the charts, analysis, and suggestions to set up your space to increase the positive energy.

The report will include your charts and analysis based on the combination of Flying Star Feng Shui, Eight Mansion Feng Shui, and the Ba Zi birth chart of the owner/resident. We also cover the suggested layout and Feng Shui problem-solving. Each person’s situation is different, and we will consider everything you provide us and answer your questions.

This is a digital report and no physical product will be shipped. Please allow 1-2 weeks for preparing the report. We aim to send it out ASAP.

We will need some information from you including

- The basic floor plan (hand-drawn ok), try to keep the rooms in proportion.

- The house facing direction (the degree of the front door on a compass). Google map is fine if you provide the house number and address.

- House construction year (approximate), move-in year, or last major renovation year (if you have the info),

- The owner’s birthday, and (optional) the birthday of other people living there.

- The goals for this Feng Shui consultation (health, job, relationship, or other areas)

- Optional photos or videos of the space and views from the window.

*Your privacy is important to us, and we will not use your private information for other purposes without your permission.

*Disclaimer: There is no guarantee for the outcome through this consultation. Everyone’s situation is different and the result will vary.

*Refund policy: If you are not satisfied after the consultation, let us know within 30 days, and we will issue a 100% refund.

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In this Feng Shui online consultation service, you send us the information (see below) and we will create a personalized Feng Shui report, including the charts, analysis, and suggestions to set up your space to increase the positive energy.

The report will include your charts and analysis based on mixed Feng Shui schools such as Flying Star Feng Shui, Eight Mansion Style Feng Shui, and the Ba Zi birth chart of the owner. Each person’s situation is different and we will consider everything you provide us.

This is a digital report and no physical product will be shipped. Please allow 1-2 weeks for preparing the report. We aim to send it out ASAP.

What we need from you:

  1. Basic floor plan including door, window, rooms, and major furniture location. (You can hand-drawn it, and try to keep it in proportion/ scale). the location such as your city, town, and country. If you can not find the original floor plan, an easy way is to find the Google map online and copy the outline of the house (footprint). Use a tape measure for the interior space.

  2. The facing direction of the building, usually the front door direction. Use building facing directions or main entrance for apartment buildings. Use any free phone compass app, google map, or traditional compass to find the facing degree. If you are not sure about the exact degrees, at least let us know a general direction such as southeast or northwest (out of the 8 directions).

  3. Your birthday and year (the birth hour is optional). You can also include your spouse’s birth date and year, and other family member’s birth date.

  4. If you can, provide the construction year (approximate) of the building, the last major renovation year of the building (if any), and the year you move in.

  5. Any specific areas you like to change with this Feng Shui consultation? For example health, money, work and career, relationship, kids or family issues. (optional).

  6. Pictures of the interior or exterior view. (optional)

The more detailed info you provide, the better we can analyze it for you. If you do not have all the info, just send us what you have and we can work from there.

At least we like to have:

  • The floor plan. If you don’t have an architectural floor plan, hand drawing is fine. Please indicate the entrance, label every room, and major furniture (Sofa, bed, stove,…)

  • The house facing direction. Try downloading the compass app on any smartphone to give a quick reading of the degrees.

  • Your birthdate and year (and your spouse’s if applicable).


    After you submit the information and payment, we will review it send you a written report in about 1-2 weeks (usually sooner) after we have enough information.

    *** Please email your above info to

    We will let you know after we receive the info and update you on our process. Look forward to working with you.

    All reports are personally prepared by our Feng Shui practitioner: Shih-Tien Wu

    (Licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist, owner of the and Picturehealer YouTube channel)

    *Your privacy is important to us and we will not use your private information for other purposes without your permission.

    *Disclaimer: There is no guarantee for any outcome through this consultation. Each person’s result will vary.

    *Refund policy: 100% full refund if not satisfied within 30 days after receiving our package.