14 common Feng Shui problems and solutions

The 14 common feng shui issues and solutions

Here are 14 common indoor feng shui problems or issues in a residence. We also show you some solutions. If a renovation or change of structure is not possible, placing a feng shui cure is the second-best way to remedy the issues.

Check our Amazon shop for various feng shui cures. This is an affiliated link and we get a small percentage of commission for every sale.

Watch our YouTube video for the 14 common Feng Shui problems and solutions

1. Messy entrance

We know the main entrance is the major point for Qi to enter the house. It should be clean, organized, and beautiful. It is not easy to always keep the lobby clean. Maybe the space is too tight and other family members are not as tidy as you. Somehow garbages just accumulate there and put us in a bad mood.

We need smart storage and good habit. Put away coats, shoes, mails, keys in certain areas. A shoe cabinet with doors will look better than open shelf shoe racks.

Add a salt lamp to absorb the negative energy and bring warmth.

Add crystals, live plants, and artworks to enhance the energy and uplift your mood.

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2. Main entrance door directly faces the stair

The main entrance door directly faces an upward or downward stair can mean the up-and-down energy. Your luck is easily scattered and not stable.

If space allows, add a curtain, screen, or furniture in between the door and the stair to separate the 2 zones and slow down the Qi flow.

Add a pair of Pi Xiu statues for the protection of the house.

Add 5 or 6-emperors coins by the door or the stair to raise the energy of this area. These coins are from the most prosperous dynasties in Chinese history so they are symbols of good fortune.

Another way is to add a red area rug and tape 36 coins under the rug. This is supposed to increase the supportive energy. Red is the color of Yang, and the 36 is the lucky number. The coins can be modern or ancient. It symbolizes positive energy and good fortune.

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3. Stairs in the center of the house

The center of a house is like the heart of a human being. We want to accumulate strong energy here for good health. The stair creates an open space and lets Qi flows too quickly. It can mean reduced wealth luck or fortune.

Add a bronze Qi Lin or Pi Xiu. These feng shui animals can bring protection and good fortune.

Add crystals to raise the energy of the space. Bigger size crystals are more powerful.

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4. Main entrance directly faces an elevator

It is common in high-rise apartment buildings to see an entrance door faces an elevator. The elevator moves up and down, and the Qi also moves up and down. Your fortune can also be unstable. It also looks like a tiger’s mouth opening and closing. This can mean accidents or health issues.

Add a Bagua mirror in front of the door to reflect the energy back to the elevator.

Add a pair of Qi Lin around your entrance area for protection.

Hang the 5 or 6 emperors coins to increase prosperity.

Place a red area rug around the entrance with 36 coins hidden under it to raise the Qi of your home.

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5. Seeing the back door directly from the front entrance

If you can see the back door directly from the front entrance, it means the Qi also flows out quickly. It can mean money flows out quickly and difficult to save money.

If possible, add a cabinet, screen, curtain, or other furniture to block the view so the Qi and slow down and stay longer.

Add a large green plant to block the view. This also slows down the Qi flow.

Add a water feature such as a fish tank or water plant. Water can accumulate Qi in one area so good fortune will stay longer in your house.

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6. Floor is uneven or many different levels

If one side of the floor is higher than the other, or the house has many different levels of flooring, it can mean obstacles, setbacks, or imbalance in life.

The best way is to renovate and redo the floor to make it one level. If it is not possible, you can add a red carpet with hidden coins to raise the energy of the room.

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7. Kitchen faucet directly faces a stove

The faucet and kitchen stove directly facing each other is the classic “Water” and “Fire” element conflict. It can bring disharmony, argument, and all kinds of conflict.

If possible, relocate the faucet or stove so they are not directly aligned.

Add some “Wood” elements to balance the Fire and Water. The Wood element can be a plant, anything made of wood, or anything green. A green rug can be placed in between the sink and the stove.

Add a Hulu (Chinese gourd) to absorb any negative energy to protect good health.

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8. Kitchen stove can be seen from the main entrance

If you can see your kitchen stove directly from the main entrance, it can mean difficult to save money because a stove is the symbol of wealth in the old days. If the kitchen stove is far away from the entrance, it is better than close to the entrance.

Add furniture, screen, or curtain to block the view so your “treasure” (stove) is hidden.

Add some big plants to block the view of the stove and help with privacy.

Add crystals to raise the energy of the space.

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9. Ceiling beams directly above a sofa, desk, or bed

A large, low ceiling beam can cause stress and a sense of oppression for people sitting or lying under. It is harder for us to concentrate and keep a clear mind.

Move the sofa, desk, or bed away from the beam. Even if it is just a few inches, it can avoid the furniture directly under the beam.

Cover the beam or add a special ceiling design to hide the beams. Many people like to add another level of the ceiling (cove) for indirect lighting. If you don’t see the beam, the impact is less.

Add a bronze Qi Lin, Hulu, 5-emperors coins, or crystals to increase the Qi and counter the lowered beams.

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10. Desk faces a wall

It is better to have your office desk facing an open view. It is a symbol of a bright future and possibilities.

If your desk is facing a wall, you can add a painting or photography of beautiful landscape. Traditionally, Chinese people like the “mountain and water” ink paintings.

Add a mirror on the wall so you can see what is behind you. It also expands your view.

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11. Mirror faces a bed directly

When a mirror or a reflective surface (such as a TV screen) directly faces a bed, it is hard for the person to rest and relax. The Qi can be scattered easily.

You can relocate the mirror so it is not directly facing a bed. Place a mirror in a closet is a good choice.

Cover up the mirror with fabric and only take off the fabric when using it.

For the reflective surface or mirror you don’t use, you can cover it with a matte film or sticky wallpaper to block the shine.

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12. Sleep on a floor or a very low bed

The floor tends to have too much dampness and can cause health issues if you sleep on the floor for a long time.

The solution is to raise the bed or get a higher bed.

Use a dehumidifier if the room is too damp.

Use a salt lamp to absorb negative energy and calm the mind for a peaceful rest.

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13. Bedroom is located above a garage or an empty space

If your bedroom is directly above a garage or an empty space, it can lack supportive energy. The Qi will be weaker in that bedroom.

If possible, move the bed to another location.

You can add a bronze dragon turtle. It is a symbol of support and good health.

Add 4 big crystals. One on each corner of the room to raise the energy.

Add a red carpet with coins to increase the Qi of the room.

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14. Restroom door directly faces a bedroom or a bed

This is commonly seen in a master bedroom. When your bed is facing a bathroom door directly, your health may be affected.

You can add a curtain or screen in between the bed and the bathroom door.

Add plants between the bed and the bathroom door to block the view and Qi flow.

Add a saltwater cure in a bathroom to absorb negative energy.

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One easy way to avoid the negative feng shui influence is to keep the rooms clean and organized. Only a messy, dirty, and neglected space can trigger negative energy. Regular decluttering and cleaning is the basis of a good feng shui.

Check out our Amazon feng shui shop here.

The 14 common indoor Feng Shui problems and solutions

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