2020 December Monthly Flying Star Feng Shui Chart Analysis
/2020 December Monthly Flying Star Feng Shui Chart Analysis
We are near the end of 2020. What does the monthly Flying Star chart tell us about December 2020?
Every month, we do an analysis of the monthly Flying Star Feng Shui chart, combining the yearly and the period 8 chart. For December 2020, the Yearly chart is exactly the same as the monthly chart, so the monthly star’s energy is intensified. Both yearly and monthly flying stars can change quickly so any Feng Shui setup can produce results quickly during this time.
In November, the monthly chart stars are exactly the same as the period 8 chart. Even though the numbers are different this month, the combination ends up the same. If you set up Feng Shui last month, you do not have to change much. The lucky areas are the same: Center, West, and Northwest.
Watch for the health issue related to South and East because both yearly and monthly stars are the negative stars: number 2 black and number 5 yellow stars.
Watch for our video for December 2020 feng shui analysis
December 2020 Flying Star Feng Shui Chart
The combination Flying Star Feng Shui chart for the month of December 2020
The overview of the December 2020 Feng Shui analysis
The December 2020 Combination Feng Shui chart analysis - area by area
Summary of suggested Feng Shui cures and enhancers for December 2020
Links for Feng Shui cures and enhancers on our Amazon affiliate page
Find Feng Shui cures and enhancers online if you can not find them locally. We have an Amazon affiliated page for your shopping convenience. We make a small profit at no extra cost to you. Thank you and have a prosperous year!
Link: https://www.amazon.com/shop/picturehealer
Flying Star Feng Shui analysis for April 2025. This month feels calmer than March. Unlike last month, there is no “bullfight” or “sword fight” combination in the chart. The monthly stars are the same as the Period 9 stars in April.