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2021 Ox year annual afflictions - Tai Shui, Shui Po, and San Sha

2021 Ox year annual afflictions — Tai Shui, Shui Po, and San Sha

Where are the locations of the Feng Shui afflictions in the 2021 year of the Ox? What can we do to balance the energy of Tai Shui, Shui Po, and San Sha (the Three Killings)? What kind of Feng Shui cures can we place in those areas? We are going to take a look at this article. We also have a free pdf download of the 2021 Ox year Flying Star feng shui chart and suggestions. Click the button below:

Watch our video about the 2021 Tai Shui, Shui Po, and San Sha afflictions

The 2021 year of the Ox locations of the Tai Shui, Shui Po, and San Sha (Three Killings)

The 2021 Ox year is a “Xin Chou” year based on the heavenly stems and earthly branches of the traditional Chinese timing system.

It is a year of the Yin Metal. The Ox is an animal sign of Metal based on the five element theory.

Locations and affected animal signs of Tai Shui, Shui Po, and San Sha in 2021

Tai Shui clashing animal signs, effect, and ways to make peace with the yearly god

Sui Po, the Year Breaker, in 2021 Ox year

San Sha, the Three Killings, in 2021 Ox year

Flying Star afflictions — the 5 Yellow and 2 Black stars

The number 5 star is related to all kinds of misfortune, and the number 2 is related to illness. For more info about the 2021 Flying Star chart analysis, Click HERE to see the previous post.

Both 5 and 2 stars belong to the Earth element. So based on the Five Element relationship theory, we can increase Metal to reduce the Earth. That means, in 2021, we can display more Metal objects in the Southeast and North to balance the energy and control the stars of the 5 Yellow and 2 Black.

For example, display metal wind chime, metal clock, bronze bell, singing bowl, and metal furniture, or color of gold, silver, bronze, or white.

As a general rule, avoid construction in these areas and reduce loud noise or traffic here.

See this gallery in the original post