The 2021 Year of Ox Annual Flying Star Feng Shui Chart Analysis and Free Download

The 2021 Year of Ox Flying Star Feng Shui Chart

Download the free PDF 2021 Flying Star Feng Shui chart and the Tai Shui, Shui Po, San Sha chart by click the button below.

The 2020 year of Rat has been a crazy year for many of us. The Covid-19 throws a curveball and affects our health, work, school, economy, and daily activities. Some countries manage better and others are still struggling to control the pandemic. Many weaknesses and problems are exposed during this time such as health care, nursing home, education system, politics, social and racial injustice, or the extreme imbalance of the rich and poor. There will be a lot of work ahead to recover, rebuild, and change the old systems.

The 2021 year of Ox will certainly bring some positive changes, but there is no quick and easy turnaround. Our actions and decisions can make a difference. The way we manage and react to new challenges will decide the outcome. The Feng Shui chart can help us understand the luck and trends, but we have the power to create our realities.

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Watch our video about 2021 Ox year Flying Star Feng Shui Chart

The 2021 Flying Star Feng Shui Chart

The Chinese year of the Ox starts from February 12, 2021, until January 31, 2022. We can start to see the transition around December 2020 and January 2021.

There are 9 Flying stars that go to different sections each year. Each of the 9 stars has its own meanings. The stars also interact with various directions (or sectors) and create new energy.

The five-element theory plays an important part in the luck of each area. See the five-element chart below for the related stars, the generating cycles, and the controlling cycles. If this is too complicated, you can skip the theory part and go straight to the recommended Feng Shui cure and remedy.

Below is the basic annual Flying Star Feng Shui chart for the 2021 year of the Ox. In general, the Red shaded areas are auspicious and lucky, and the blue shaded areas are inauspicious and need remedy.

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The five element relationship chart

The five element relationship chart

The 2021 Feng Shui chart section by section

Below are the meaning of the star in each of the 9 sections and the recommended Feng Shui remedy or suggestion based on the five-element theory.

We start from the center and go clockwise.


The number 6 can be a wealth star. We can activate money luck in the center by setting up a money altar, treasure chest, or other symbols of abundance such as money frog, Qi Lin, Pi Xiu, and crystals.

The number 6 White star is related to the physical type of career such as police, athlete, construction, firefighter, and so on. Since this star is in the center of the chart, these types of careers will be highlighted in 2021.

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West is also an auspicious area. We can increase the Earth elements to enhance the power of the number 8 success star. Add more Earth element such as the color of yellow, brown, beige, or earth material such as soil or ceramic/pottery.

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The number 7 red star goes to the Northwest in 2021. Number 7 star can bring argument, fighting, gossip, and lawsuit. We can modify the energy by reducing the Metal element or increase the Water element.

Reduce the color of white, silver, gold, or metal furniture in the Northwest.

Increase Water elements such as blue, black colors, or actual water such as a fish tank or water fountain.

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Number 2 is an illness star. We can add more Metal to reduce the number 2 star (Earth).

Add color of white, silver, gold, or any metal material here.

Avoid construction in the North in 2021.

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The number 9 Purple star goes to the Northeast in 2021. This is an auspicious star related to festive events, relationships, and prosperity.

We can activate wealth luck here just like in the center area (star 6). Set up money jar, crystal, or other symbols of wealth and prosperity (money toad, money god, Qi Lin, dragon…).

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The number 4 star goes to the East in 2021. This is a star of intelligence, talent, and relationship luck.

East is a good place to set up your home office, kid’s bedroom, or desk for study in 2021.

We can enhance the intelligence luck by display the Chinese paintbrush or the Wen Chang pagoda.

Because both the East and number 4 star are Wood element. We can add some Fire element to reduce excess Wood. Add color of red, purple, orange, or anything giving out light and heat such as a lamp, candle, or electronic.

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The number 5 Yellow misfortune star flies to the Southeast in 2021. We can increase the Metal element to reduce the number 5 star. Display metal objects such as a bronze bell or metal wind chime.

We can also display Fire elements such as red/orange color, candlelight, or salt lamp. The Fire element can balance the energy of the number 5 star (Earth) and the Southeast (Wood).

Avoid any construction here during the year of Ox.

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The number 1 White star goes to the South in 2021. This is a very auspicious star for career success, fame, and wealth. It is also a timely star in period 8.

The south belongs to the Fire element and is conflicting with the Water element of the number 1 star. So we can either reduce the Water element (less blue/black color and avoid fish tank here) or increase the Wood element (add more plants or green color) to balance the water and fire.

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The number 3 Jade star goes to Southwest. This star can bring conflict, argument, gossip, and legal trouble in period 8.

We can balance the number 3 star (Wood) and the Southwest (Earth) by adding a Fire element.

Add more red/orange/purple color, or candle, salt lamp, crystal (Amethyst) in the Southwest.

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As a general rule, set up important rooms such as a living room or master bedroom in the auspicious areas. Spend more time in those areas can help activate the luck too.

For the inauspicious areas, use the suggested colors or 5-element related products to adjust the energy.

Each room can also be a small universe to have the chart overlay on the top. Find the lucky corners in the room and set up important furniture there.

Or set up your furniture so you can face the lucky directions when you sit down or lie down (head pointing to the lucky direction).

Download the free PDF 2021 Flying Star Feng Shui chart and the Tai Shui, Shui Po, San Sha chart by click the button below.