September 2020 Flying Star Feng Shui Chart Analysis
/September 2020 Flying Star Feng Shui Chart Analysis
Every month, we try to do a Feng Shui chart analysis based on the Flying Star school of Feng Shui. There are many ways of generating a Flying Star chart, including the Period 8 chart, yearly chart, monthly chart, and more. Each house also has a Flying Star house chart based on the house sitting directions and construction date. This can be complicated because of so many possible combinations. We will show you the combination chart for Period 8, 2020 yearly chart, and the September monthly chart below.
Watch our video about September 2020 feng shui chart analysis
September 2020 monthly Flying Star Feng Shui chart
September 2020 combination Feng Shui chart (yearly, monthly, and period 8 charts)
Color coded overview of the September 2020 Flying Star chart
September 2020 Flying Star chart analysis — 9 sectors
We start from the center and go clockwise following the chart. Each area contains positive and negative lucks. It is more so in this month’s chart. There is no 100% auspicious area in this chart.
The five-element remedy or feng shui cure is suggested in each section to reduce the negative energy and harmonize the Qi. A five-element relationship chart is included at the bottom of this article.
For health issues related to the number 5 Yellow and number 2 Black stars, add Metal objects to reduce the energy of the Earth element (number 2 and 5 stars).
To reduce the Fire element, avoid red or orange colors, avoid sharp or triangular shapes, or add Earth elements such as soil or ceramics in that space.
February marks the beginning of the Snake year. It is time for New Year cleaning, planning, and a new Feng Shui setup. February’s monthly Feng Shui chart is the same as the 2025 yearly chart. This month is like a mini version of the 2025 year. Observe the energy of February and make adjustments for the whole year.