2021 Ox year Part 3 of the Chinese zodiac forecast: Horse, Goat, and Monkey

2021 Ox year Part 3 of the Chinese zodiac forecast: Horse, Goat, and Monkey


What will the 2021 year of the Ox bring us based on the Chinese zodiac signs? Here we have part 3 of the 4 part series for the animal signs of Horse, Goat, and Monkey.

For Part 1, the Rat, ox, and Tiger, Click Here.

For Part 2, the Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake, Click Here.

Watch the video about the 2021 zodiac analysis of Horse, Goat, and Monkey on our YouTube channel.

The Horse in 2021

Birthday chart for the animal sign of the horses

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The fortune of horse sign in 2021

The fortune of the horse can change dramatically because of both strong positive and negative stars in 2021. The suggestion is to stay on the conservative side, follow rules, avoid impulsive decisions, or reckless behavior for a safe and prosperous year. Career success and fame are highlighted this year.

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The best and worst 3 months for the horse in 2021

The Goat in 2021

Birthday chart for the animal sign of the goats

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The fortune of the goat in 2021

The goats are affected by the yearly star (Tai Shui) this year. It can be a year of unexpected events and stress. It is a good time to rethink your major life directions. The star can push you to unfamiliar territory. It can be a new beginning for you. Be flexible, be patient, and avoid conflict this year.

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The goat is opposite to the Ox on a Chinese zodiac chart. Since 2021 is the year of the Ox, the Tai Shui star is located at the Ox sign. The Goat can feel the power of the star throughout 2021.

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The best and worst 3 months for the animal sign of goat in 2021

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The Monkey in 2021

The birthday chart for the animal sign of the monkey

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The monkey’s fortune in 2021

Monkey is one of the very lucky animal signs in 2021 because of major auspicious stars. You can expect career luck, increased income, fame, and festive events this year. These stars will reduce the negative power of the minor inauspicious stars. Go for your big dreams and goals this year!

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The three best and worst months for monkeys in 2021

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For Part 1, the Rat, ox, and Tiger, Click Here.

For Part 2, the Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake, Click Here.

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