2023 Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake Chinese Zodiac forecast (part 2 of 3)

The 2023 Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake Chinese zodiac forecast - Part 2 of 4

Here we have the Chinese zodiac analysis for the 2023 year of the Rabbit, including animal signs of Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake. For part 1 analysis of Rat, Ox, and Tiger, visit the blog here.

Overview of the Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake zodiac signs in the 2023 Rabbit year

Since 2023 is the year of the Rabbit, the animal sign of the Rabbit is at the center of attention, and where the Tai Sui god is. This brings strong power for Rabbit in 2023. Direct the energy carefully to promote your authority and status, and avoid any negative issues that may come with Tai Sui.

Dragon is one of the luckiest signs in 2023. Tai Yang star brings great Yang energy and extra good fortune for male Dragons this year.Hong Luan” (Red Romance) star brings happiness to your love life.

There are helpful people and mentors for Snakes in 2023 to support your career and ambitions. Because of the Yi Ma (Travel Horse) star, traveling or doing business in a faraway place will bring good luck.

The Rabbit sign in 2023, the year of the Rabbit

See the chart below for Rabbit compatible and incompatible animal signs. The animal signs are based on your birth year. However, the year starts on the “Li Chun” (start of spring) day, one of the 24 solar terms, and not January first. See the general birth year below for reference. If your birthday is close to February 4th or 5th, check a traditional calendar or “Tong Shu” to find the exact “Li Chun” day and time of that year. This helps to identify your correct animal sign. If your birthday is between 2 animal signs, most likely you have the personality of both signs, and you can check both zodiac signs for reference.

2023 major stars in the Rabbit sign

Rabbit has the Tai Sui (Yearly god) star, Jiang Xin (Commander) star, Wen Chang (intelligence) star, and Jing Gui (Golden Cabinet) star in 2023. They can bring you power, authority, fame, intelligence, and increased wealth.

Tai Sui star can be positive or negative. You might feel a lot of changes beyond your control this year. There will be more challenges and uncertainty this year.

Stay more conservative to prevent potential trouble, and do more charity work to increase your luck in 2023.

The top 3 lucky and unlucky lunar months for Rabbit in 2023

These months are based on the lunar calendar. You can find the exact date on the Western calendar by google or the traditional Chinese calendar.

Each month has positive and negative stars. We are just looking at the main energy of these months. Use them as a guide to plan your business or schedule important events. To know more detailed daily lucky activities, please refer to the traditional Feng Shui calendar.

The Dragon sign in 2023, year of the Rabbit

See the chart below for compatible and incompatible animal signs with Dragon in general.

2023 major stars in the Dragon sign

Dragon has Tai Yang (the sun) star in 2023. This is a very auspicious star with high positive energy. This star is especially lucky for males or male-related businesses. You should have very good fortune this year in every area of your life, including your career and family life.

Another lucky star is the “Hong Luan” (Red Romance) star bringing you romance luck and happiness in 2023. If you are single, this is a good year to meet the right one and move your relationship to the next stage.

You have good financial luck this year, but take good care of your health, and avoid any risky business to prevent troubles. Overall, you will enjoy a prosperous 2023.

The top 3 lucky and unlucky lunar months for Dragon in 2023

These months are based on the lunar calendar. You can find the exact date on the Western calendar by google or the traditional Chinese calendar.

The Snake sign in 2023, year of the Rabbit

See the chart below for compatible animal signs. These can be good business or life partners. They tend to understand you better, and support your ideas.

2023 major stars in the Snake sign

Snakes have a “Tian Yi Gui Ren” (helpful people) star that can bring you good luck in your career and minimize other negative stars.

You also have a Yi Ma star or the Travel Horse star. This means you have a lot of chances to travel this year, and traveling far away or doing business far away is lucky for you in 2023.

Avoid any gossip, conflict, or argument to prevent trouble this year. And take good care of your health.

The top 3 lucky and unlucky lunar months for Snake in 2023

These months are based on the lunar calendar. You can find the exact date on the Western calendar by google or the traditional Chinese calendar.

3 lucky zodiac signs in 2023 that are compatible with Rabbit

The Goat, Dog, and Pig are the 3 signs compatible with the Rabbit based on the 3 harmonies and 6 harmonies relationships of the 12 Earthly branches theory. Since 2023 is the year of the Rabbit, these 3 animal signs enjoy increased luck in 2023.

The Rabbits also can benefit from these 3 animal signs. They can support Rabbit’s ideas, and become solid allies or friends.

Watch the video of the Rabbit, Dragon, and Snake 2023 forecast below

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