8 Basic House Charts in the Purple White Flying Star Feng Shui

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8 Basic House Charts in the Purple White Flying Star Feng Shui

There are so many systems of the ChineseFeng Shui. Some can get very complicated and impractical to follow. This video talks about 8 basic Flying Star charts based on the house directions. It is similar to the Ba Zai (8 mansions) Feng Shui but with the 9 Flying Stars. The chart is like an energy map of the house. You can combine with a yearly chart, monthly chart, and personal life Kua number to get a more accurate Feng Shui reading.

Watch the video of the 8 charts explained

9 Flying Stars and the Ba Gua, 5 element, and 8 directions

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How the 9 Flying Stars are placed

The center star is the number related to the sitting direction of the house.

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Then the other 8 stars follows a certain path either forward or reverse direction for the rest areas.

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The energy of each sector

The energy of each sector is based on the 5 element relationship between the center star and the other star. It can be generating, abundant, stagnant, conflicting, delpeting, or blocking.

The generating or abundant Qi areas are suitable for setting up a bedroom, religious altar, entrance or other important spaces.

The depleting or stagnant Qi areas are suitable for a restroom, electrical/mechnical room, guest room, storage, or rooms not used frequiently.

Conflicting Qi area is ok for setting up a bedroom because it has potential for money luck.

The number 8 star location is your wealth area to enhance money luck.

Blocking Qi area is the location of the 5 yellow star.

  1. Kan House and the 9 stars chart

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2. Kun house and the 9 stars chart

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3. Zhen house and the 9 stars chart

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4. Xun house and the 9 stars chart

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5. Five is the center so no charts

6. Qian house and the 9 stars chart

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7. Dui house and the 9 stars chart

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8 Gen house and the 9 stars chart

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9. Li house and the 9 stars chart

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Exterior of the house for different star directions

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