Feng Shui tips and rituals for moving to a new house

Feng Shui tips and rituals when moving into a new home

What are the popular traditional feng shui tips and rituals that people follow when moving to a new house? The older generations of Chinese families follow these rules closely because moving to a new residence is a big event in life, and we want to get as much luck as possible.

You can adapt the rules to your life situation. Follow the tips and customs that resonate with you the most to bring in good luck.

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House-moving feng shui checklist

Here are some areas we are focusing on when moving to a new house.

  1. Lucky date selection

  2. Space cleanse

  3. Setting up a religious altar

  4. Setting up a bed

  5. Start using a kitchen stove and other appliances

  6. What to bring (or not bring) into the new house

  7. Set up a house-warming party

  8. Basic decoration and design

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Watch the video for Feng Shui tips and rituals for moving to a new house

Feng Shui tips and rituals for moving into a new residence

  1. Select a lucky date to move in

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2. Space cleansing and purification.

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3. Setting up a religious altar or ancestor altar

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4. Setting up a bed (and other furniture)

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5. Starting to use the kitchen stove and other appliances

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6.1 What to bring to the new house on the first day?

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6.2 What not to bring to a new house?

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7. Setting up a house-warming party for festive energy

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8. Decoration and design basics

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