November 2022 Flying Star Feng Shui Analysis

November 2022 Monthly Flying Star Feng Shui Analysis

The Feng Shui month of November is from “Li Dong” (the start of Winter) to “Da Xue” (Heavy Snow) according to the 24 solar terms. That is from November 07 to December 07 on the western calendar.

There is a special date on November 07 called “Heaven forgiving day”. It is a day with flexible customs or rules related to Feng Shui cure or religious statue placement. It is safe to set up or remove Feng Shui cures or religious items that day without negative effects. It is also a good day to review any mistakes you made in the past and try to correct them.

Based on the Feng Shui calendar, there are several days that are not suitable for any festive events. In November, those days are November 8, 12, 15, 24, and 27. Try not to plan your important activities during those days.

The monthly Flying Star chart for the Feng Shui month of November 2022

The 3 groups of stars in the November 2022 Feng Shui chart

In November’s Flying Star chart, there are 3 groups of the same stars in different orders. These are:

1, 4, 7

2, 5, 8

and 3, 6, 9.

This formation usually means the stars are connected so the lucky energy can be present even though the stars might not be timely stars. We will look at these 3 groups separately.

November 2022 combination Feng Shui chart - Summary

South has star 6 as the monthly star and 9 as the yearly star, so this is a very auspicious combination. Both stars are related to career success and wealth luck. South is the best place to set up a money altar or enhancers in November 2022.

The Southwest, Center, and Northeast have stars 2 and 5. That can affect health and create obstacles. Add Metal or Water elements in those directions to reduce these stars.

Group 1: 2, 5, 8 for Center, Northeast, and Southwest

Number 2 illness star and number 5 misfortune stars together can create health issues, obstacles, or accidents. Add Metal or Water elements to reduce their energy. Health enhancers such as Hulu or Turtle can bring protection.

Stars 2 and 8 combination brings power to females. More females are in charge now. Watch out for any imbalance in relationships.

Group 2: 1, 4, 7 for West, North, and Southeast

Stars 1 and 4 bring intelligence, talent, and increased fame. However, this is not related to money luck even though you have increased status and power.

Star 7 could be related to conflict or legal trouble. Pay more attention to details and paperwork.

Add Water elements to reduce star 7, and add Wood elements to enhance intelligence and wisdom.

Group 3: 3, 6, 9 for Northwest, East, and South

The 3, 6, and 9 combinations can mean intelligence, fame, quick temper, or conflict. Star 9 is a Fire star. When it is not balanced, there is a tendency for a rebellious kid.

You can add Water elements to balance stars 3 and 6. Reduce Fire elements to prevent the tendency of a Fire-tempered kid.

Watch our video for November 2022 Feng Shui

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