Tai Sui and the affected zodiac signs in 2023 year of Rabbit

Tai Sui and the affected zodiac signs inthe 2023 year of Rabbit

Tai Sui is also called the yearly god or Grand Duke Jupiter. It is a powerful energy that affects certain directions and certain Chinese zodiac signs each year.

Sui Po, or the Year Breaker, is another powerful energy or god that is directly opposite the Tai Sui location.

In the 2023 year of the Rabbit, East and West are affected, and the animal signs of Rabbit and Rooster are strongly affected.

2023 Tai Sui name and location of Tai Sui and Sui Po

There are 60 Tai Sui based on the 60 years cycle (combination of 10 heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches). The 60 Tai Sui gods are named after great generals from history. For the 2023 Rabbit year, the Tai Sui’s name is General Pi Shi.

Since Tai Sui is in charge of military force, their power can be fierce and reckless. Many people associate them with negative influence and always try to keep a respectful distance.

Tai Sui is in the East and Sui Po in the West during the 2023 year of the Rabbit

Based on the chart of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, each animal is related to one direction, and the rabbit is related to the East. Since 2023 is the year of Rabbit, Tai Sui is located in the East, and Sui Po is located in the West (opposite to Tai Sui).

Tai Sui affected animal signs in 2023

Besides the 2 animal signs (Rabbit and Rooster in 2023) that are directly affected by Tai Sui, many people believe there are 3 other animal signs affected indirectly as well each year.

In 2023, those zodiac signs include horse, rat, and dragon. However, the influence of the Tai Sui’s power will be much weaker in these 3 zodiac signs.

Traditionally, only the zodiac signs in the Tai Sui and Sui Po locations are affected. So Rabbit and Rooster are the only 2 signs directly clashing with Tai Sui in 2023.

The meaning of affected by Tai Sui the yearly god

When your zodiac sign is affected by Tai Sui of the year, it usually means your strength and weakness are magnified during this time, and life becomes more unpredictable and unstable. It can bring either good or bad luck.

Most people will advise us to stay on the safe side, avoid any conflict, and stay conservative this year. Since life could have unpredictable ups and downs, or changes of directions, it is important to keep calm and focus on security and safety.

Remedies for the Tai Sui is affecting your zodiac signs

  1. Avoid construction in the Tai Sui and Sui Po directions (East and West in 2023).

2. Set up a Tai Sui altar or Pi Xiu for protection at home, or visit temple for religious ceremony.

3. Avoid facing the Tai Sui direction (East in 2023) when sitting down.

4. Do more charity work and help others to build up your good karma.

5. Stay conservative, avoid conflict, and focus on learning new skills.

6. Have a big festive event this year to override the possible negative influence of Tai Sui.

Tai Sui can bring more stress and restlessness to the affected zodiac signs, but this can also bring a turning point or new chapter in life. Breaking up the balance can also means opportunities if you take advantage of this special time.

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