April 2020 feng shui chart analysis, cures, and spring cleaning tips
/April 2020 feng shui chart, cures, and spring cleaning tips
We are adding the Period 8 Flying Star chart to the monthly and yearly chart to see a better picture of the April 2020 month. Many Flying Star combinations are related to health issues and conflicting energy in April 2020.
A lot of us are self-quarantined and need to stay home around this time because of the Coronavirus pandemic. This is also the best time to clean out the house as we are entering the spring. Physical cleaning prevents the spreads of disease and lifts up our mood.
Watch the video on the April 2020 feng shui chart analysis and suggested cures
*There are some mistakes in the monthly chart star location in the video. The April 2020 monthly chart for East is 4, and the Northwest is 7. The charts in this article are corrected.
The period 8 chart and the combination of the monthly and yearly chart
The above chart is the combination of the yearly, monthly, and period 8 charts. Period 8 lasts for 20 years from 2004 to 2023.
Some star number combinations of significant meanings. We will analyze them next.
Flying Star combinations for April 2020 - Inauspicious combinations
Flying Star combinations for April - Auspicious combinations
Suggested Feng Shui cures for April 2020
The most common illness star includes the number 2 and 5 stars. They are both the Earth element. According to the five element theory, you can use Metal elements such as a bronze bell, metal windchime, or clock to reduce the Earth's energy.
Use Fire element in the South and North to harmonize the star 2, 3 combination (fighting energy). Avoid construction in the South, North, and East.
The best area this month is Northwest for the month of April 2020. You can set up the money altar (money jar, money tree, 3-leg toad, or crystals here) to enhance wealth luck.
Spring cleaning and disinfecting our space
A clean, organized space can turn a negative feng shui star into a neutral one. And a dirty, smelly space can bring out the negative quality of an auspicious feng shui star. Clean up our space is one of the easiest ways to ensure health and wellness.
The best way to keep us from the contagious disease such as the Covid-19 is to keep social distance (6 feet or 2 meters apart), washing hands frequently (at least for 20 seconds with soap and water), wear a protective mask, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content, and clean up our living space. There are several basic ways of disinfection we can use.
Use alcohol to disinfect smaller areas (at least 60% alcohol content). Alcohol spray is a quick way to clean our computer keyboard or cell phone.
Use a cleaner with bleach or diluted bleach to clean a bigger surface area. Bleach is usually diluted in water at 1:10 or 1:100. It is approximately 1.5 cup bleach in 1-gallon water for 1:10 dilution or 1/4 cup bleach in 1-gallon water for 1:100 dilution.
Diluted bleach is suitable for many kids’ furniture or plastic toys, such as a school setting or play area.
Use other cleansers to clean first before disinfecting with alcohol or bleach. Any grease or dirt might affect the strength of the disinfection.
Areas to focus include kitchen, restroom, bedroom, and entrance. Other frequently touched surfaces include faucet, light switch, countertop, toilet seat, flush handle, and all kinds of electronics such as cell phone, tablet, laptop, computer, and TV remote.
If we can all do our part, we can prevent the spread of disease and eventually the number of virus cases will do down and be under control.
Flying Star Feng Shui analysis for April 2025. This month feels calmer than March. Unlike last month, there is no “bullfight” or “sword fight” combination in the chart. The monthly stars are the same as the Period 9 stars in April.