Painting a silk scarf the easy way with Inktense

Silk scarf painting with Inktense

Silk Scarf Painting with Inktense Blocks.jpg

The traditional way of painting a silk scarf takes a lot of tools and time. You need special paint, resist, frame, and the final heat or steam setting to make it machine washable. After some research online, I found the Inktense might be the answer for easy painting of silk fabric, without the hassle of heat setting at the end of the project. It also works for cotton or cotton blend fabric.

Inktense comes in pencil and blocks. The blocks look like hard pastel blocks. After adding water, it acts like watercolor. You can also use the edge of the block to make sharp line drawings like a color pencil. 

It sets into the fabric with water. To make a more controlled painting area, Aloe Vera gel can be used so the paint does not run and spread like water. You can also use many acrylic mediums to thin the paint.

See the videos of the demonstration of an easy silk scarf painting with a stencil and freehand method. Appreciate any like, comment or subscription to our YouTube channel: Creative Tien. 

Links (affiliate links) to buy Inktense and blank silk scarf:

12 counts:
2 set of 24 counts:
